January never seemed the right time for a resolution for me. Even though it is the beginning of a calendar year, it falls squarely in the middle of a school year. Therefore, it is difficult to have the sense of truly starting fresh. However, the school year is a different story. With new students and new things to teach, I have a chance to plan a change that might actually happen. So rather than make a resolution in January, I think August makes more sense.
1. Personal - I resolve not to let myself and my family go health wise. School is tough, and while I can do a good job getting started with exercise, healthy eating, quitting diet coke, etc. in the summer, when school starts back it is significantly more difficult. I do not want to jump back into drinking 5-6 diet cokes a day and eating much less healthy foods because my schedule is tighter. I think I can keep this, but I have to make these things a priority. This may require some stress relieving techniques to stay on an even keel, but I think it will be worth it.
2. Professional - I resolve not to have the papers pile up - I will deal with them, file them, and avoid the chaos. Easier said than done. However, if I don't tell myself it is only a couple of things at the beginning of the year, I think I can stay on top of it. I am teaching geometry this year, so I will have papers to grade, but there are only 6 students in the class. If I can get on top of this with the 6, I should be able to continue the habit as the class gets bigger in future years.
I am only setting one goal in each venue. I will, however, be working to keep my stress level down and to stay calm and on top of things. My goals reflect this overall state of being, and I think I should be able to work toward this in future weeks. We will see whether this way of writing a resolution helps more than doing so in January. I am thinking it will.
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